Digitally Mediated Information Services

These are my opinions alone and not necessarily those of my employer... in fact the lawyers would rather I said nothing.

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Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States

I am the Director of the School of Information Resources and Library Science. I am primarily interested in digital data gathering in the field, analysis, synthesis and visualization to impact environmental decision making.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Beginning blog comments

Denise Green provides an extended quote of from a Gorman, Michael publication Title: Revenge of the Blog People!

This is a very old story. It is the content! The fact that the content is in a blog does not make the content important. The content must make the content important (yuk! that sounds post-modernist). I find Mr. Gorman's comments about editors over general. Usually editorial filtering is very good as long as you are not the one being filtered but sometimes a lack of editorial control is very very good. Blogs are not publishing. They are public speaking.

I agree with Mr Gorman that google is not the "God Brain" and neither are blog postings.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Digitally Mediated Information Services

Digitally Mediated Information Services

Interesting Discussion topic on the use of information services with "questionable" ethical application.
This is a link to the Data Mining applicationon Amazon wish-lists combined with google map.

Take a look at comments at

linked from

Comments are welcome.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Digitally Mediated Information Services

Digital Libraries are more than collections of books. They are collections of people with specialized skills to organize and distribute information. Theya re also places for people to meet to work on information tasks. Digital information services, such as blogs, wikis and podcasts can play a critical role in the collection and dissemination of information in digital libraries. Here we will explore some of the issues involved is using these services.